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Seasonal and environmental allergies – Protect your skin

Many of us have experienced seasonal related allergy flair ups resulting in symptoms such as puffy eyes, running nose, itchy and dry skin, rashes, and acne. While these conditions have been previously considered temporary and directly related to changes in the weather, recent studies have confirmed that dramatic and adverse changes in our daily environment are contributing to large increases in cases of eczema, rosacea, dermatitis and acne.

Examples of these adverse environmental conditions include toxins in the air resulting from construction projects, harmful chemicals present in our foods and water supply, damaging UV radiation and even in some of the products we place on our skin for protection!

There has been a 60% increase in cases of adult acne in the past decade. The number of people who now have “sensitive” skin has also increased by over 45% in the past five years.

What can one do?

The most obvious answer to this question would be to reduce our exposure to these toxic elements. We should try to avoid walking by construction sites on windy days and carefully read labels on the foods we eat, and filter any drinking and bathing water. In addition, we should be aware of the products we put on our skin.

While this all seems easy to do, it isn’t quite as simple as it sounds. Clearly, we all need to become better informed regarding the environmental dangers that are around us.

We must also scrutinize the veracity of the information we receive on the internet. Yes, while you may be reading this online, you should be aware that many sources of information available online are created to promote or sell a product or service.  This product or service may not be sufficiently checked for safety or efficacy and it may even be harmful to use. Some of these products are offered or endorsed by “doctors”  and other “experts” and they can be ineffective at best and possibly quite a bit worse. Checking out a product, a brand or a business can take up some time, but in many instances this effort can result in making a healthier choice.

Finding the right skin care product

When checking out a particular product, service or brand it might be a good idea to see if the company has any history with the Better Business Bureau. Check to see how long the company has been in business. It is also helpful to see if the product and/or service has any reviews from customers. One effective method of learning about a product is to call the company and speak to a customer service representative. If you reach a person who is well versed in the product and who can answer your questions, chances are they care enough about what they are doing to have something worthwhile. Consider using these guidelines when searching for new skin care products. Nothing is more beautiful than having healthy skin.



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