This Tuesday we will celebrate the 247th Independence Day in the United States. On this day, July 4th, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration, thus affirming the independence of the United States from Great Britain.
For two hundred and forty-seven years, citizens of the U.S. have celebrated our independence on this day. We fly the flag; put up red, white, and blue decorations; march in parades; and enjoy picnics. Throughout all of our celebrations, we are reminded of the gift of our freedom as a nation. Indeed, we are blessed in the United States with exceptional liberty, for which millions of Americans have fought and sacrificed their lives to preserve during the past 247 years.
Perhaps this year we may want to reflect on how our nation has kept pace with the concept of freedom that was expressed in the constitution and the belief that all people are entitled to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Freedom requires individual responsibility; responsibility that we all participate in and not be complacent. Freedom also requires vigilance.
While the Declaration of Independence declared that “all men are created equal,” the laws that followed did not apply to People of Color, Native Americans, or Women. This country was largely built by the sweat and blood of hard-working immigrants, and we must remember this was and is part of the foundation of our great country.
Surely, July 4th is a day to celebrate democracy, we must also reflect on the intense political and social unrest which is growing and leading some Americans to question what it means to be patriotic, and whether or not we are fulfilling the promises of our founding fathers.
I wish all of you a Joyous and Meaningful Independence Day.
Steven Rosenfeld